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Prepping for Mastering

Mastering is a dark art. Many home producers, and even many intermediate studio professionals don't know what to give a mastering...

Mix Clarity versus Excitement

One of the biggest goals held by mix engineers is to make the cleanest, most clear mixes they can. Making a clean mix is important to...

Instagram Mixing 'Hacks'

The internet is a great place to learn how to mix. There are lots of online resources which inform engineers of all levels of new...

Is Dolby Atmos the Way of the Future?

What is Dolby Atmos? How are consumers engaging with mixes produced in Dolby Atmos? Is Dolby Atmos the way of the future? Dolby Atmos is...

Loudness in the Streaming Era

How loud is too loud? How loud should I send my mixes to you? Why does my mix sound quiet? Why don’t you master to a higher LUFs? Are...

Blog: Blog2
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